WASH Services and Capacity Gaps of Services Providers and Users in Umerkot and Tank.


WASH Services and Capacity Gaps of Services Providers and Users in Umerkot and Tank. 

About Project 
The “Improved Access to Water and Sanitation Services in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh” project, funded by USAID and implemented by UNOPS, began in late 2021 and aims to enhance water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services in flood-affected communities. Spanning five years and with a budget of USD 10 million, the project focuses on three key areas: improving water supply and sanitation infrastructure, building government and community capacity for effective and gender-responsive WASH services, and promoting better hygiene practices to reduce waterborne diseases. As part of the project, a participatory needs assessment will be conducted to identify priorities and define specific outcomes for each component. UNOPS Pakistan, with its extensive experience in infrastructure and community development, will lead the initiative, supported by its regional operational hub and headquarters. The project aligns with UNOPS’ broader objectives in Pakistan, with potential for expansion as additional donors contribute. The overall goal is to increase community resilience and ensure sustainable access to clean water and sanitation in the region.

Services Provided:

Momentum Consulting has effectively demonstrated its expertise in enhancing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) services through its pivotal role in the UNOPS-implemented project, “Improved Access to Water and Sanitation Services in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh,” funded by USAID. The five-year initiative, which spans from 2021 to 2026 with a budget of USD 10 million, aims to improve access to clean water and sanitation while fostering community resilience in KP and Sindh provinces. Momentum’s involvement includes conducting comprehensive need assessments, analyzing the capacity of WASH service providers, and formulating robust capacity-building plans. Through a collaborative approach, the organization works closely with public and semi-public entities to address service gaps and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of WASH services in these regions.

Key Steps:

  1. Kick-off Meeting:
    • Conducted a kick-off meeting with UNOPS to establish a shared understanding of the project’s objectives, deliverables, and methodology. The meeting served as an introduction between the teams and laid out the assignment rollout plan, implementation strategy, and work plan.
  2. Desk Review Exercise:
    • Conducted an extensive review of secondary data, including WASH sector policies, strategies, and plans in Sindh and KP provinces. The review focused on existing services, human resources, budgetary allocations, and institutional capacities.
  3. Identification of WASH Sector Stakeholders:
    • Mapped and identified relevant stakeholders in the WASH sector, including public bodies (PHED, WASA, LG&RDD) and private entities (NGOs, INGOs), based on desk review inputs and consultations with UNOPS.
  4. Primary Data Collection and Tools Formulation:
    • Developed data collection tools based on the secondary data analysis. Conducted interviews and meetings with key WASH sector stakeholders to assess water quality systems, institutional capacities, and human resource gaps.
  5. Data Analysis and Situational Analysis:
    • Consolidated and analyzed primary and secondary data to prepare a situational analysis report. The report included an assessment of WASH services providers’ policies, structures, and procedures, as well as service and capacity gaps.
  6. Gaps Analysis and Capacity Building Plans:
    • Identified gaps in policy, plans, HR capacities, and coordination mechanisms. Based on these findings, Momentum developed comprehensive capacity building plans, proposing modifications to governance models, policies, and structures to enhance service delivery.
  7. Service Enhancement and Capacity Building Plans:
    • Formulated service enhancement and capacity building plans tailored to the identified needs. These plans included strategies for capacity development across organizational, infrastructural, technological, and human resource areas.
  8. Submission and Feedback Incorporation:
    • Submitted the draft WASH capacity development plan to UNOPS for review. Feedback from steering committees and focal persons was incorporated, and the plan was finalized and submitted for endorsement.

Through its meticulous approach to need assessment, stakeholder engagement, and capacity building, Momentum Consulting has significantly contributed to the enhancement of WASH services in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh provinces. The successful completion of this project phase, with the development and approval of comprehensive capacity-building plans, underscores Momentum’s commitment to fostering sustainable improvements in public health and community resilience in these regions.

Project Team:

Dr. Muhammad Saleem
Ghulam Shabbir
Muhammad Tanveer
Miss Fatima