Research Study on the Status and Rights of the Teachers in Pakistan supported by UNESCO


Momentum Education’s working group and experts conducted this research on Status of the Rights of the Teachers in collaboration with UNESCO Bangkok in 2016. The research was based on the policies and practices teachers have in seven countries of the world simultaneously. The Research has been led by Momentum Education Professionals from Pakistan. The study consisting of Desk Review of the existing policies and practices, Interviews of the teachers, supervisors, Administrative and Education policy makers were also conducted to put up the final recommendations.

Services Provided:

A background research on policies and practices on the rights of teachers in seven countries was conducted by MV. Based on the research, further interviews were carried out with the policymakers, teachers and experts on the rights of teachers. A comprehensive set of recommendations were prepared and shared with UNESCO Pakistan.

Project Team:

1) Dr. Muhammad Saleem: Team Lead
2) Iqbal-u-Rehman: Project Consultant


Country: Pakistan
Year: 2014
Client: UNESCO