Food Fortification Act and Rules


Food Fortification Act and Rules 

About Project
The Nutrition Technical Assistance Mechanism (NTEAM) offers global expertise to improve nutrition and health outcomes. The Technical Assistance for Nutrition (TAN) project, funded by UK aid through Nutrition International (NI), helps 20 SUN Movement countries develop and implement multi-sectoral national nutrition plans.
In Pakistan, malnutrition remains a significant challenge, with high rates of stunting, wasting, and micronutrient deficiencies among children and women. Although progress has been made, notably with food fortification initiatives, the country requires a comprehensive National Mandatory Food Fortification Act to address these issues more effectively.

  • Overall Objective: Formulate and facilitate the approval of a National Mandatory Food Fortification Act in Pakistan.
  • Specific Objectives: Assess the current fortification landscape, support the development of the Act and related rules, and build consensus among stakeholders for effective implementation.

Expected Results:

  • Formulation of a comprehensive National Mandatory Food Fortification Act and associated rules.
  • Enhanced coordination and implementation of food fortification initiatives across Pakistan.

Gender Considerations: The project incorporates gender equality by integrating gender-sensitive indicators and ensuring inclusive stakeholder engagement.
The consultant will develop a work plan, analyze existing regulations, draft the Act and rules, and support their approval and implementation. The outcomes aim to strengthen food fortification efforts and improve public health across Pakistan

Services Provided:

Momentum initiated a comprehensive project to support the Government of Pakistan in addressing micronutrient deficiencies through food fortification. Our approach began with extensive research into the existing nutrition and food fortification landscape, focusing on legislation and policy frameworks. We engaged with experts from Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and developed a model draft legislation for food fortification, which was shared with national and provincial assemblies for review.
Development of National Food Fortification Act and Rules
Building on this research, we collaborated with Nutrition International-Canada to formulate the National Food Fortification Act and associated rules. This process involved engaging key stakeholders such as various government ministries, the SUN Business Complex, WFP, GAIN, and the Ehsas Programme. The project was executed in three key phases:

Phase 1: Desk Review and Secondary Research

  • Analyzed existing food fortification laws, strategies, and programs.
  • Reviewed global and regional food fortification practices.
  • Deliverable: Desk Review Report.

Phase 2: Formulation of Act and Rules

  • Conducted consultative meetings and focus groups with stakeholders.
  • Organized a high-level workshop in Islamabad for further input.
  • Drafted the Federal Food Fortification Act and Rules.
  • Deliverables: High-Level Consultation Report, Draft Act and Rules, Rollout Plan.

Phase 3: Finalization and Submission

  • Presented the Act and Rules at a high-level workshop for stakeholder feedback.
  • Finalized and submitted the Act and Rules to relevant authorities.
  • Established a support mechanism for ratification by the National Assembly and Senate.
  • Deliverables: Finalized Act and Rules, Ratification Support Mechanism.

Capacity Development Plan
We focused on enhancing the skills of stakeholders involved in the development and implementation of the Act. Training was provided on the preparation process, definitions, standards, and overall implementation strategies.
Gender Integration Plan
A gender-sensitive approach was integral to the project. We ensured women’s participation in consultations and feedback processes, addressing gender roles in food fortification and promoting equitable involvement throughout the project.

Project Team:

Dr. Zafar Mehmood
Barristor Zafar-Ullah
Ms Fatima Shafqat