Evaluation of Safe Water Pakistan-Community Based Programme of Muslim Charity followed by a Strategy Development workshop for next Programme cycle.


Evaluation of Safe Water Pakistan-Community Based Programme of Muslim Charity followed by a Strategy Development workshop for next Programme cycle. 

About Project
Pakistan faces a severe water crisis, with 21 million people lacking access to clean drinking water due to factors like poverty, natural disasters, climate change, inadequate infrastructure, and insufficient political focus on water policy. In rural areas of Sindh, Punjab, and Balochistan, low literacy rates further limit women’s access to hygiene education, exacerbating health and hygiene issues since women are primarily responsible for water collection, food preparation, and childcare. The lack of awareness around health and hygiene leads to significant household spending on disease treatment, worsening the overall situation.
In response to this critical need, Muslim Charity, supported by funding from Penny Appeal, implemented the “Safe Water Pakistan” project. The initiative focuses on providing safe drinking water and promoting health and hygiene practices. By improving access to clean water, the project aims to reduce the health risks and economic burdens faced by vulnerable communities in Pakistan, particularly in the most affected rural regions.

Services Provided:

Momentum conducted a thorough evaluation of the “Safe Water Pakistan” program, implemented by Muslim Charity across multiple districts in Punjab and Sindh. The evaluation aimed to assess the program’s relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and innovation, in line with OECD guidelines. The focus was on examining the project’s impact on providing safe drinking water through water facilities, such as hand pumps, and assessing the outcomes of health and hygiene training among beneficiaries. Additionally, the evaluation included a review of the partnership model, the capacity of local NGOs, and stakeholder involvement, leading to recommendations for a three-year strategic plan.

  1. Key Steps
  1. Desk Review and Secondary Data Analysis:
    • Conducted a comprehensive review of project documents, including proposals, logical frameworks, and mid-term evaluation reports.
    • Mapped project indicators and stakeholders using the logical framework to assess performance and roles.
  2. Inception Briefing:
    • Held a structured briefing with the project coordinator to understand project objectives, intervention structures, and key stakeholders’ roles.
  3. Stakeholder Mapping:
    • Mapped the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders, including government authorities, implementing partners, and community members, using a stakeholder mapping tool.
  4. Sampling Methodology:
    • Employed a multistage sampling method to select project districts, Union Councils (UCs), and communities for primary data collection, ensuring representative sampling across all intervention areas.
  5. Data Collection:
    • Conducted Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with beneficiaries, provincial and district authorities, Muslim Charity staff, and partner NGOs.
  6. Enumerator Training and Mock Exercise:
    • Trained local enumerators and translators, followed by mock exercises to ensure accurate data collection in local languages.
  7. Data Entry, Cleaning, and Analysis:
    • Entered and cleaned data in MS Excel, triangulated qualitative data from primary and secondary sources, and compiled the evaluation report.
  8. Strategy Development Workshop:
    • Organized a two-day workshop with all program stakeholders to develop a three-year strategy based on the evaluation findings.

 The comprehensive evaluation by Momentum provided valuable insights into the “Safe Water Pakistan” program, highlighting its successes and areas for improvement. The findings informed the development of a strategic plan to enhance the program’s effectiveness and sustainability for the next three-year cycle. The evaluation report was shared with all stakeholders, ensuring that the recommendations could be implemented to achieve better outcomes in providing safe drinking water and promoting health and hygiene practices in the targeted communities.

Project Team:

Fakhar Ud Din
Dr. Muhammad Saleem
Ms. Fatima