End Project Evaluation of Promotion of Education and Protection Project for Afghan Refugees for Mercy Corps


Promotion of Education and Protection Project of Mercy Corps was evaluated during 2018. A comprehensive evaluation of the project was conducted for all the project components including formal education, non-formal education, child protection, teachers training and community mobilization for child education. A variety of evaluation methods and approaches were used for gathering views of all the direct and important indirect stakeholders of the project, during the course of evaluation. A detailed evaluation report was prepared, and lessons learnt were disseminated in a stakeholders’ workshop.

Services Provided:

Momentum evaluated the Promotion of Education and Protection Project of Mercy Corps. The project was for the Afghan refugees in Balochistan. For the evaluation of the project, a qualitative-quantitative approach was adopted. Apart from a survey of the beneficiaries, FGDs were conducted with the local officials and the project staff. . A detailed evaluation report was prepared, and lessons learnt were disseminated in a stakeholders’ workshop.

Project Team:

1) Ghulam Shabbir


Country: Pakistan
Year: 2016
Client: Mercy Corps