Capacity building- Cascade training of frontline health workers and service providers on Maternal Nutrition and IFA supplementation during pregnancy and post-partum (in program districts i.e. Lodhran, Ziarat, Jamshoro and Khairpur of Pakistan)


Capacity building- Cascade training of frontline health workers and service providers on Maternal Nutrition and IFA supplementation during pregnancy and post-partum (in program districts i.e. Lodhran, Ziarat, Jamshoro and Khairpur of Pakistan)

About Project
Anemia is a public health challenge in South- East Asia with 41.9% of Women in Reproductive Age (WRA) identified as anemic1. The prevalence is even more among pregnant women residing in Pakistan with 51% of them suffering from anemia and 18.2% of WRA are iron deficient2. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia during pregnancy and daily use of iron supplements during pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of maternal anemia and risk of low birth-weight and preterm babies3.
Government of Pakistan is committed to reduce anemia among pregnant and lactating women by providing Iron Folic Acid (IFA) supplements, free-of-cost, along with other ante-natal care (ANC) service. However, the coverage and consumption of these supplements are inadequate. According to the National Nutrition Survey (2018) only 32.9% of these target population had received IFA tablets. Moreover, out of them, 22% consumed 90 IFA tablets during pregnancy, but 5.1% consumed only 60-89 tablets and 5.8% had less than 60 tablets2. Data also reveals that the problem was more in rural areas than the urban settlements. There are various supply and demand side factors associated with the low consumption of IFA supplements which needs to be addressed in order to improve both coverage and adherence and in turn achieve the overall goal of reducing the risk of anemia among pregnant women.
Nutrition International under MNHN program has provided the support to provincial & district health department of NI’s program intervention district in capacity building of frontline health workers (LHS and LHWs) health service providers (WMO, MO, Gynecologists and LHVs) on maternal nutrition with an objective to increase compliance of nutrition supplements (IFA/MMS). In the first phase NI have been able to train

Services Provided:

Momentum Consulting prides itself on delivering exceptional results through planning, strategic implementation, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. With a proven track record of success, we are pleased to highlight a recent project undertaken for a prominent client, which exemplifies our dedication to excellence in every aspect of our work.
Inception Meeting: Our engagement commenced with an in-depth inception meeting, where our team collaborated closely with the client and relevant stakeholders to define the scope and objectives of the assignment. Through collaborative discussions, we ensured alignment with the client’s vision and goals.
Developing Cadre-wise Training Plans and Material: Momentum Consulting meticulously developed comprehensive cadre-wise training plans and materials tailored to frontline workers and health facility service providers. This involved crafting detailed training objectives, designing innovative training modules, and strategizing effective roll-out plans
Training of Tra202iners (ToT): Our team conducted extensive Training of Trainers sessions across multiple provinces, including Lodhran in Punjab, Khairpur and Jamshoro in Sindh, and Ziarat in Balochistan. These sessions aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively cascade training to their respective regions.
Preparing Reports: Throughout the project, we diligently prepared reports documenting the outcomes of the ToT and cascade training sessions. These reports included detailed analyses of session plans, participant feedback, pre-test, and post-test results, ensuring transparency and accountability at every stage of the process.
Bi-Weekly Updates: To keep the client informed of progress, we provided bi-weekly updates on the project’s status, highlighting achievements, addressing concerns, and seeking feedback for continuous improvement.
In conclusion, Momentum Consulting remains committed to delivering excellence in every endeavor. Our recent project exemplifies our dedication to designing and executing tailored solutions that drive meaningful impact and empower our clients to achieve their objectives. We look forward to continuing our partnership with clients, old and new, as we embark on new challenges and opportunities together.

Project Team:

Dr. Usman
Tasawar Kasuri
Mohammad Awais