Balochistan -WASH Sector Budget Analysis Balochistan- WASH HR Capacity Status/Need Balochistan – WASH HR Capacity development Plan / PC I



Balochistan -WASH Sector Budget Analysis

Balochistan- WASH HR Capacity Status/Need

Balochistan – WASH HR Capacity development Plan / PC I

About Project 

Over the last five years, the government of Balochistan has taken significant steps to develop an enabling environment for sustainable and widespread WASH services. This summary outlines the sector policies and strategies, institutional arrangements, and coordination mechanisms that have been implemented. It also highlights the sector’s monitoring, budgeting, financing, and capacity development efforts. These reforms have contributed to several key outcomes that are accelerating access to WASH services:

  • Institutional Arrangements: Stakeholder roles and responsibilities have been clarified, with decentralized authority established at the district and local levels.
  • Sector Coordination and Planning: A time-bound roadmap has been developed, supported by human resources under a guiding sectoral plan with clear targets, indicators, and budgeted activities.
  • Sector Policy and Strategy: The provincial water and sanitation policy and strategy have been updated and amended to align with the SDGs, setting out service norms for households and institutions backed by a legal framework.
  • Leaving No One Behind: Equity assessments have provided evidence to inform decision-making and the targeting of appropriate interventions to ensure no one is left behind.
  • Monitoring: Balochistan has established an effective Management Information System for monitoring and reporting. The annual district WASH planning processes, including the Joint Sector Review, further support monitoring and coordination.
  • Sector Budgeting and Financing: Sector policies and strategies have directed sector investments. In recent years, the government of Balochistan has increased its investments in WASH, particularly in efforts to end open defecation.
  • Sector Capacity Development: The Housing, Urban Development, and Public Health Engineering Department (HUD&PHED), in collaboration with UNICEF, conducted a WASH Capacity Assessment and developed a Strategic Roadmap for WASH Human Resource Development. Various capacity-building interventions are currently underway for provincial and local government staff.

Through UNICEF’s global program for WASH Enabling Environment, UNICEF is supporting the Government of Balochistan in all its WASH services. This includes providing technical support for the development of the WASH Sector Development Plan, ensuring a more effective and sustainable approach to achieving the WASH SDGs in Balochistan.

Services Provided:

Momentum, in collaboration with UNICEF Pakistan, is engaged in a comprehensive project aimed at strengthening the WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) sector in Balochistan. This initiative focuses on critical areas such as sector budget analysis, human resource (HR) capacity assessment, and the development of a robust HR capacity enhancement plan to ensure the effective delivery of WASH services across the province.

  1. Balochistan – WASH Sector Budget Analysis: Momentum conducted a detailed budget analysis for the WASH sector in Balochistan, assessing current financial allocations, expenditures, and gaps. This analysis provides a clear understanding of the financial resources available and identifies areas where additional funding is necessary to meet the province’s WASH goals. The insights gained from this analysis are instrumental in advocating for increased investments in WASH services, ensuring that financial planning aligns with the needs of the sector.
  2. Balochistan – WASH HR Capacity Status/Need: Momentum undertook a comprehensive assessment of the existing HR capacity within the WASH sector in Balochistan. This assessment involved evaluating the current workforce, identifying skill gaps, and determining the capacity needs required to effectively implement WASH programs. The findings from this assessment highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the current HR setup and serve as the foundation for developing targeted capacity-building initiatives.
  3. Balochistan – WASH HR Capacity Development Plan/PC I: Building on the HR capacity assessment, Momentum developed a strategic HR Capacity Development Plan, including a Project Concept-I (PC-I) document, to address the identified needs. This plan outlines a roadmap for enhancing the skills and competencies of WASH professionals in Balochistan through training programs, workshops, and other capacity-building activities. The PC-I document serves as a formal proposal to secure the necessary funding and support from government and development partners for the implementation of the HR capacity development initiatives.

Through these interlinked components, Momentum is contributing to a more efficient, well-funded, and capable WASH sector in Balochistan, ensuring that the province is better equipped to meet its water, sanitation, and hygiene targets.

Project Team:

Dr. Muhammad Saleem
Abdul Qadeer
Atiq Mirza
Shazia Hassan